Keno Game

The primary purpose of this Keno game project was to dive into the world of Java programming and explore the fundamentals of creating graphical user interfaces. I aimed to enhance my understanding of GUI development while creating a simple and interactive game. This project served as a stepping stone in my programming journey, showcasing my initial foray into GUI development and game logic implementation.

As the only contributor to this Keno game project, I handled everything from design and development to implementation.

During the creation of this Keno game, I gained proficiency in Java programming, specifically in utilizing Action Listeners and Document Listeners. These skills allowed me to enhance user interaction, shaping my understanding of event-driven programming and input handling in the Java environment. Additionally, this project honed my ability to compartmentalize code into functions. Breaking down the code into smaller, manageable functions not only improved readability but also enhanced my overall programming efficiency. This newfound skill in structuring code will undoubtedly contribute to my future projects, fostering a more organized and maintainable approach to programming. I improved my debugging skills by breaking the code into smaller sections. This approach made it easier to find and fix issues, making the debugging process more efficient.